Monday, October 11, 2010

So, I was thinking...

That if this keeps going on, I am going to lose my mind.  Just the energy of the hotel(bad, transient) is enough to drive someone crazy, not to mention everything else I am trying to control or maintain or make happen.  I am filling up with negativity at a faster rate than I know how to get rid of it.  I have growing hatred for the cursed castigating cunt which I know is super unhealthy for me.  I just want her to fall off a cliff or have the restaurant kitchen catch on fire or something that leads to her untimely demise.  At least I know that I'm not evil enough to kill her, although I don't know if I can say the same for her.  It's not a very big step from assault to murder.  Just saying.  I have a feeling of stagnation when it comes to my social life and it's really starting to irritate me.  I guess that's the underlying feeling, irritation.  I'm just so fucking irritated I want to slap people.  Maybe I should just start slapping the people that irritate me.  Of course I would never get anything done considering the overwhelming amount of people that need to be slapped in this world.  Maybe I just need to stay away from people for a bit.  Or at least until the urge to slap them all dissipates.

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