Monday, October 25, 2010

Ok, bitch. Really?!?

I am about at the end of my rope with FB.  So the cursed castigating cunt is angry with me this morning(probably every morning) because she thinks that I friended one of her friends on FB.  This woman actually friended me and I accepted because she was someone that I liked from the town we were in before.  She walks through the lobby early this morning and says to me 'Really'? '*insert person's name here*, Really'?  I had no response for her since I have no response to anything that she says to me.  I think if she doesn't stop acting like a superior fucking bitch who does no wrong she's going to lose what few friends she has.  There is a little evil part of me that would just LOVE that.  Some moments it's really fucking hard for me to be the bigger person.  It's a good thing that I'm smart enough not to use dark magic or her ass would be covered in boils.  I don't throw hexes, so that makes her very lucky.  I'll just let the local D.A. dispense the instant karma.  What if she ends up serving jail time?  There goes that evil little giggle in my brain again.  Let go of the shit, let go of the shit, let go of the shit.  I guess that's the mantra for the day.  I will repeat it often and later light a candle for I do for people that have passed.

1 comment:

  1. Yet another recurring theme-her getting all indignant about FB friending. Really? Whatever...Screw her. She needs to shut her pie hole.
