Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fuck it

I kinda have a case of the fuck its.  Winter will start settling in and I will be cuddling alone, hey, at least I got the dog.  I don't really like winter anyways, it just makes me want to stay inside all of the time.  I am going to try to get another job out here so that I can buy a friend's truck.  Moving 3 times in the last year has severely depleted the savings account.  A year ago I could have bought the truck outright.  On top of having to save for the NCE, moving again, court fees...AHHHHH!!  Too much on my plate and it feels, some days, as if I will always live in this wretched hotel.  I need to figure out how to break it down so it doesn't feel so insurmountable. I'm just kind of exhausted from all of the craziness in my life over the last year and it just feels like a bit much.  Right now I just feel like I want to sleep all of the time.  Maybe that is just what I should do.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Terrah. You are going to be OK. I see you leaving that 'wretched hotel' behind and moving on to build the life you want and being successful. I wish there was a wand I could wave, though, to make it happen sooner than later.
