Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deep breath, only heard at the back of the throat

So, even the most cynical side of me must admit that the yogic breathing does kind of rock.  I mean really, it's just breathing.  Although as a massage therapist I am constantly telling my clients that they need to stop in their day and breathe.  I even recently read an article about a study that found out what it means physiologically when we sigh.  It apparently resets our entire breathing pattern, expands the ribs a bit, and also sends some messages to our brain...can't quite remember what those messages were. ...sigh...   Nope, still don't remember.  Anyways, the yogic breathing.  It's great.  It's kind of like a long, concentrated series of sighs.  And then the cynical bitch pops up when I get off work and says to just sit on the couch, you worked hard, yoga isn't really gonna make a difference in your day, blah, blah, blah.  Her voice gets quieter every day.  It's great.

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