Monday, November 22, 2010

days and days...

It is all just starting to blend together now that it is too cold to climb.  Day after day in this hotel - working here, living here.  It's starting to feel kind of like The Shining - I am sure it will start to feel even more like The Shining.  Trapped in the snow, on the mountain with nothing but the ghosts.  We do have ghosts here at the hotel, but mostly I have encountered friendly spirits.  AHHHHHH!!  I'm slowly losing my mind and there is nothing that I can do about it.  It makes me even crazier to see her day in and day out...She fucking cries and tells me she misses me and that her heart hurts...blah, blah, yammer, yammer.  When she talks I feel like the dog on The Simpsons or like I'm listening to Charlie Brown's teacher.  Am I really supposed to care about anything that you say or feel bitch?  Maybe I am just a heartless bitch, who knows.  Stay tuned, more after this message from our sponsors...

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