Saturday, November 27, 2010

17, cuffs and stuff

How do I get myself into the messes that I get into?  I'm in a couple right now, nothing serious, mostly fun messes.  Take 17 for instance.  Young lesbian I met through another friend, she lives several states away from me.  Which is good, because I don't think I would be able to peel her off of me.  I keep thinking that she is so young, but that is how many years were between me and my ex...and she's almost legal.  She is cute as hell and has sent me some of the dirtiest texts I have ever received.  After over a year of no sex or even affection the attention is kind of nice.  She is several states away and the likelihood that I will ever meet her is slim to none, so I'm just digging it.  It would be kind of nice to show up somewhere that the cursed castigating cunt is and show her that I just went 17 years the other way!! -screeching brakes- U TURN!!! LMAO!!  17 says she likes older could I put her off of that!  Then, there is Cuffs.  She is a cop and I can't even begin to tell you where that takes my dirty brain :)  She lives in this state about 3 hours from me and is coming to visit me next week.  I hope she brings at least parts of her uniform :)  We have been talking(email,text,phone) for 6 weeks now and we just have great conversations!  Nothing REALLY dirty yet, but we seem to be saving that for when we meet, so the anticipation is at a high.  I can't wait. No. Really. I can't wait.  I know I already wrote about being in a space where I want more from a woman and I just really want to get laid...but now I want to fuck a cop.  That is just the feeling for this moment and it may change when I meet her face to face, but I'm going with the feeling of the moment.  That's what 17 and Cuffs give me...being in the moment.  Stay tuned for more.

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