Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Well, now that that's over...

So.  Just don't know how to start this one. One week ago last night, the person I was with got so angry that she held me down and choked me and when I finally got out from under her and out the door(which she had blocked twice before) she attempted to push me down a flight of stairs from behind.  I came out of it with bruises on my neck and a severely twisted ankle.  She spent 4 nights in jail.  I spent quite a while just in shock - nobody I have ever been with has ever assaulted me.  I haven't even ever been with someone that can get that angry.  I felt guilt about her spending time in a county correctional facility, with no family nearby, but I am working through that.  I always said that I would never be one of 'those' women and now that it is here I am at a loss.  I didn't get this manual for life, when did they hand it out?  Where are the instructions for pressing charges against someone that you care for?  I have no illusions of ever wanting to be with her again, there is no working it out...not after that night.  I know now the extent of her anger issues - I didn't just show up in her life a year ago and suddenly make her angry.  I have also received warnings from others who have known her much longer, warnings I chose not to heed. I wonder why...
     So, that makes everything different.  I am now learning the wonders of housekeeping and hotel work.  But not just any hotel, this is the hotel of escher...nothing is what it seems!  We have doors that go to nowhere, rooms that create their own smell, amazing feats of physics abound in this place!  It is truly amazing to learn just exactly how much you can do with duct tape, spray paint, a hammer and a drill.  You can fix ANYTHING!!  Even toilets and electrical outlets!  Who knew!?!  So at the very least I will have more interesting things to blog about and some more time to do it now that I am no longer slave labor for the castigating cursed cunt.  Wow, even I'm proud of that onomatopoeia :)  I'm sure that she will receive more down the line as I am more willing to talk about all of it.  I am learning to enjoy being in this beautiful place in the mountains, my surroundings are perfect right now.  I can get back to camping, climbing, hiking to the best look out and smoking with a friend.  Floating down rivers, sitting next to campfires and all of the general enjoyment that comes with being a resident in the mountains.  I am also attempting to gain some personal  discipline and do yoga every day...it's mostly working.  Don't they say that it takes 21 days to form a habit?  I'll get there. Things are gonna change, I can feel it :)  Hell, who knows, maybe some people out there in the internetverse will start reading this piddly blog!

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