Thursday, August 5, 2010

Starting with week two...

Here I am in the beautiful mountains in Ruidoso, New Mexico. I certainly can't complain about my surroundings as I do love the mountains and all that comes with mountain life :) Hiking, camping, summer rainstorms.  I could do without the tourists, but they are our bread and butter.  I guess I'll put a little history up here so whoever may read this will know how I got to this beautiful mountain town (actually it's a village).

My kind of girlfriend has been trying to open another restaurant for the past year and, needless to say, the economy is not the most friendly environment for restaurant/new business loans.  An opportunity presented itself in the last couple of months in the form of an empty, unused restaurant in my uncle's hotel here in beautiful Ruidoso.  The town we were in before this was Lubbock, so pretty much anywhere is a step up from Lubbock.  She is a 'kind of' girlfriend seeing as how we haven't even shared a bedroom in over 9 months.  In spite of this I have decided to come out here anyway and help her get this monstrosity cleaned and put back together and help get the restaurant off of the ground and running.  We have had some rocky times for the last few months, some of which ended up in full blown angry fights and at the peak of this anger she pushed me against a wall.  Besides the slightly rocky times, I am hoping that I can write it all off to the stress of trying to open a restaurant.  I can't help but wonder if I made the right decision to come out here or not.  Back to work for now...

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