Monday, September 20, 2010

How about a little passive agressive silent hostility for your day :)

So she had her arraignment hearing and ever since then she has seemed more bold when she passes me in the hotel.  She has mean mugged me several times, the most recent being this evening.  I am now starting to fear a bit for my safety.  Her anger is palpable and it sucks to be around.  I haven't been out here long enough to make any friends and anyone that I am close to is at least 1000 miles from me.  I have no witnesses and no confidant here - so I guess this blog is it.  Seems that this is just more of an online diary and I expressed in my last posting how I felt about it.  What do I do in a place where I know no one and my only recourse is the police?  I find myself walking around in paranoia constantly and it sucks - she made me a victim and it terrifies me and pisses me off all at the same time.  Maybe I shouldn't drop the charges, even with conditions of attending anger management.  Maybe she should experience the full consequences of her actions.  Is it my place to decide what her karmic reaping should be in this situation?  Goddammit.  I hate her for this.  I hate her for putting me in this position.  I hate her for what she did.  I hate her and that is not healthy for me.  How can I let go of the hate if I can't let go of the fear?  I can't let go of the fear when I see her everyday and feel her boldness and anger growing by the day.  What happens when she snaps and I am all alone?  Then I guess they find my dead body in my room, I don't know.  I think I'll get a gun.  At least it's more protection than the hammer I currently have.  Yoga and meditation are not helping, I have to learn how to defend myself against a crazy person with a record for beating and intimidating her girlfriends.  Excellent.  Just where I wanted to be in life.  Still haven't come up with a new name for her, so I will end with castigating cursed cunt.

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